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Thursday 19 April 2018

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a "non-existent man"

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a "non-existent man"
Donald Trump has said that a sketch released by porn star Stormy Daniels, which portrayed a man she says warned her to stop discussing her claims of a sexual encounter with Trump, does not exist.

On Tuesday, Stormy Daniels and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti released a sketch of a man whom she said had threatened her in 2011 to keep her affair with Trump a sectet, Daniels and Avenatti offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to the man's identification. Avenatti announced on Wednesday the reward had been increased to $131,000.

The picture they released showed a man with facial stubble and a chiseled jaw, who was wearing a hoodie. Daniels described him in an interview with ABC on Wednesday as "sort of handsome."

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a "non-existent man"

But on Wednesday, Trump addressed this, saying the man in the sketch does not exist.

The US President tweeted : "A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!"

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a "non-existent man"

In response, Daniels' attorney said his client would likely update a lawsuit she has filed against the president to include a charge of defamation.

"He's effectively now told the American people that she is a liar, that she is a con, that she has made up this threat and this sketch," he said. "We're likely going to be amending our complaint - we're looking at doing that now - to add a defamation claim directly against the president."

Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, says she had sex with Trump in 2006. She is fighting a 2016 nondisclosure agreement arranged by Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, in which she was paid $130,000 to keep silent.

Trump's lawyers are seeking at least $20 million in damages from Daniels for violations of the nondisclosure agreement.

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