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Tuesday 14 February 2017

Girl dies, 115 hospitalised after meal of dead camel

Mr. Paul Chebet a nurse at Akwichatis dispensary in Tiaty sub-county in Baringo, administers drip to children who had eaten camel carcass on February 13, 2017. PHOTO | CHEBOITE KIGEN | NATION MEDIA GROUP 

A 14-year-old girl has died and more than 115 people hospitalised at Akwichatis dispensary in Tiaty, Baringo County after reportedly eating meat from a camel which had died. It is not know what killed the animal, but it could have starved to death.
Health workers said the girl died as she was being taken to hospital last week on Friday.  
According to locals, the hunger-stricken villagers feasted on the camel after going without food for weeks.
Tiaty is among areas hardest hit by drought in the North Rift. On Monday, the dispensary was teeming with sick children and women who were severely dehydrated due to vomiting and diarrhoea.
Two nurses at the dispensary were looking after the patients who were on drips suspended from trees and window panes. Some patients lay on the floor as children groaned in pain.
According to nurse Paul Chebet, the villagers feasted on the dead camel on Thursday last week for lack of food.
“We have been overwhelmed by the many patients. Most are suffering from severe vomiting and diarrhoea but we have contained the situation,” said Mr Chebet.
He said the child died on her way to the hospital. He added that she could have been saved were it not for the impassable roads in the area.
The girl died on her way to hospital because of severe dehydration because there was no mode of transport as the area is remote,” he added.
He said the worst hit are women and children who have been left at home as men look for water and pasture for their livestock in neighbouring counties.
And in West Pokot, more than 60,000 residents are in dire need food as drought reaches an alarming level.
Speaking to Nation, County Drought Coordinator Gabriel Mbogho said food distribution was ongoing.
In Turkana, hungry villagers have flocked churches to beg for food.
Reported by Flora Koech, Oscar Kakai and Sammy Lutta

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