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Friday 4 October 2019

Justin Bieber slams PETA for criticizing his $35,000 exotic cats

Justin Bieber has slammed PETA for criticizing his decision to adopt two exotic pet cats.

Earlier this week, Bieber adopted two, exotic Savannah kittens and named them Sushi and Tuna.  The cats are a hybrid of domestic feline and Serval, a cat native to sub-Saharan Africa.

He announced the news on Instagram, writing: "my children."

Justin Bieber slams PETA for criticizing his $35,000 exotic cats

The cat reportedly cost him $35,000 to the dismay of PETA.

PETA's Senior Vice President Lisa Lange said in a statement: "Baby, baby, baby, nooooooo," adding, "Justin Bieber could inspire his fans around the world to save a life by adopting a cat from a local animal shelter—rather than fueling the dangerous demand for hybrid cats, contributing to the animal overpopulation crisis, and proving that when it comes to helping animals, his stance so far is 'I don't care.'"

Taking to his Instagram Story early Friday morning, he told the animal rights organization's to "suck it."

He shared a screenshot of an article reporting the backlash, writing on top of it "PETA can suck it" before launching into a furious tirade.

Justin Bieber slams PETA for criticizing his $35,000 exotic cats

He continued: "PETA go focus on real problems. Like poaching, and animal brutality. Ur tripping because I want a specific kind of cat? U weren't tripping when I got my dog Oscar and he wasn't a rescue... every pet we get must be a rescue?

Justin Bieber slams PETA for criticizing his $35,000 exotic cats

"I believe in adopting rescues but also think there are preferences and that's what breeders are for."

He then added: "PETA go help with all of the plastic in the ocean and leave my beautiful cats alone."

Justin Bieber slams PETA for criticizing his $35,000 exotic cats

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