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Wednesday 8 March 2017

See what Emma Watson did to a presenter during an interview

Actress Emma Watson has the people's love due to her beauty and her talent as an actress but something she did to a presenter during an interview has given people another reason to love her.
The star actress in Beauty And The Beast was at an interview with her co-star Dan Stevens to talk about the movie when she stopped Dan mid-sentence to help the presenter, Clara, take off an ink stain on her cheek.
 "I’m so sorry, can I stop you? I’m so sorry. You would do this for me, I would do this for you…You’ve got pen on your chin, and you’re gonna be so sad when you see this. I have to do this for you. I know what it’s like to have something on your face," The Harry Porter star said, then proceeded to wipe the stain off the presenter's face.
Afterwards, she gave everyone another surprise when she called in her make-up artist to help repair Clara's make-up. A visibly excited Clara gushed about the encounter, saying:
"This is the best moment of my trip, I have to say."

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