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Tuesday 3 January 2017

90% of Ghanaian churches now business entities - Pastor

The claim that the proliferation of more churches in Ghana is for business purpose and not to convert souls for Christ has been given credence by Rev. Stephen Odamy Asare of the Genesis international church.
According to him, 90% of churches in Ghana are business companies which are only using the name ‘churches’ as a conduit to siphon monies of members rather than ensuring that their salvation is guaranteed.

He argues that the doctrines of such churches is contrary to what the Bible preaches chastising, pastors and elders of such churches for using the name of God to do their businesses instead of saving souls for Christ.

“Selling and buying in the temple of God is abomination but these churches are encouraging Christians to do same”, he observed.

Rev. Stephen Odamy Asare has therefore advised Christians to be vigilant and run away from such churches because they do not preach salvation but rather prosperity.

“It is not only the smaller churches that are into this business thing, there are other bigger ones that are doing it against what Jesus Christ requires of them. I know they will soon incur the wrath of God and b exposed”, he stated

“We must be law abiding and live healthy lifestyles as Christians and work towards making our lives worthy of Christ. Don’t litter the environment and change our way of living to make the year 2017 a prosperous one”.

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